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About the fetish...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: About the fetish...

I've always believed that the smoking fet--- was one of the most popular of all the fetishes or at least the one with the most variations. There are so many fetishes and it seems that more are discovered all the time. Specific fetishes are very personal to it's owner. What may seem weird to one person, can be very important to it's respective owner. That is why I've always listened with a sympathic ear to those who wanted to talk about their fetishes. Remember, before the Internet, a specific fet--- was not discussed openly. Why? Because people were embarrased about them, as they often thought that their fetishes were weird. The advent of the Internet changed all that. I've often told those who thought they had a weird fetish... Quote: So, you think you have a weird fetish? Go online and type in having S-- with goat's that are on fire, and the web site asks you, what color goat?[/b][/i] . Remember, those who don't have a fet--- or understand what they are and/or what they do have no idea of their respective power.
A friend of mine from Extreme fet--- magazine once told me a story...She said that once while being interviewed by a college intern for an artice in a school paper, the intern asked... Quote: I don't understand what the fet--- does for people? My friend replied, those who have fetishes and understand, nurture and indulge with them will generally have FAR more intense s----l experiences than those who don't...WOW! replied the intern...I WANT A FETISH!

So remember, the absolute BEST way to explore your fet--- is with someone you care about, your spouse or partner. Be open and talk about it. Just be sure to be open to their desires as well and try not to be obsessive. After all, variety is the spice of life!

Ms Alanna

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi Alanna,

I've read both of your posts.

For a "freelance writer" I've seen some pretty poor sentence structure and elementary punctuation errors...

Doesn't look like you'll find any fanboys here.

I'm really not sure how "unique" a perspective it really is...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Dear Andrevv74,

Why thank you for your kind words! I didn't know that I was being critiqued? You sound very much like one of my copy editors!

I have a favorite saying... Quote: If you don't have something nice to say about someone then don't say anything

Although you were the only one who replied to this post, all the E mails I recieved either asked for my opinion on a specific topic or were very complementary.

But as P.T. Barnum once said, You can't please all the people, all the time. And If I miss quoted I'm quite sure that you will correct me.

All I would like to say is that I sincerely hope you have a great holiday season!

Ms. Alanna[/quote]

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September 17, 2005
Posts: 2

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`Hey Alanna,

I throroughly agree with your points about The Fetish. I told my girlfriend about my smoking fet--- early on in our relationship, and she not only accepted it, she embraced it. She's one of those lucky people who can truly smoke "socially" (ie, she smokes like a fiend when the mood hits and then is able to put it aside with no problem), and she seems to really enjoy the effect that a well-timed and expertly-handled cigarette can have on me. Exploring the fet--- has brought us much closer together, and I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that I opened up to her. I consider myself very lucky.

(and if she had a desire for goats that are on fire, I'd open a petting zoo / BBQ, I would, indeed)

As far as Andrevv74's comment is concerned - many a brilliant writer has had issues with the mechanics. That's what copy editor are for, you know. I wouldn't sweat it, dude - 'tis the thought that counts. By the way, Andrevv - you've got a stray apostrophe thingie hanging there before Alanna's name...

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September 17, 2005
Posts: 2

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`My apologies, Andrevv - somehow I ended up with the same hanging apostrophe thingie when I submitted this post! Must be some glitch within the forum's software...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Dear rtfirefly,

I'm so glad to hear that your girlfriend embraces your fetish! In my experience, more often than not, a S.O. does not accept it (or other fetish's) and can actually be repulsed by it. I've heard statements from women like, It's not me and he's pretending that I'm someone else. A lot of that is not being able to truly embrace your s----lity. I would do almost anything (within reason) for someone I cared about as if they are turned on then so am I! It just makes the s----l experience SOOOO much better. I personally would rather be the object of my partners desires than have it be someone else. I met a woman a while back who told me that she was getting a divorce from her husband. When I asked her why she said that she caught him looking at ----. OH PLEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE! That's what guys do! I know that my boyfriend does it, but I also know that I'm the object of his s----l desires. Why? Because I strive to be. I truly believe that a line of open communication (like you have with your girlfriend) is the basis and building blocks of a great relationship.

Oh, and thank you for your nice note...I appreciate it! It strikes me as funny that the ones who have the most to say about being in a relationship are not actually in one. Kind of like those who have the most to say about raising children, have never had kids.

Thanks again and take care!


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July 31, 2004
Posts: 2

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Screw Andrevv, he can't even spell his own name right. I think your comments and observations are dead-on and I think its really nice to see a womans perspective on the fet--- out in the open like this. Cheers to Alanna!


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Well said, lights, alanna's comments on the smoking fet--- are indeed spot on and she put it better than I ever could. Alanna, thanks for what you had to say, and the point you made at the end of your reply to rfirefly is a great one. People who have no experience of a situation often have the most to say. For example, my mother doesn't drive, and yet when I visit her and take her out she is forever telling me how fast I should be driving and which way I should be going!

Thanks again for your thoughts alanna!


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January 23, 2009
Posts: 4

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`She has a great point. I love how well writen this is. As I was reading I never lost interest.

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January 9, 2009
Posts: 1

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`Andrew is an insecure idiot who can't grasp a concept due to his editorial hang-ups.
dude should let us critique is writing.
I AM A PROFESSIONAL WRITER. Andrew you are wrong.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

It is not something you brag about to folks at work or in everyday life.It is still something quite private and frowned upon by lots.It is sort of like your sexlife better done anonymously or behind closed doors.

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